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Google is releasing another broad core algorithm update today. The core update will be fully rolled out within a week or two. This broad core algorithm update will include the changes originally planned for the June 2021 core update but delayed due to internal limitations.

Like all the other core updates, these are global updates, not specific to any region, language, or category of websites and hence considered as broad core updates.

Reversal of Changes from June Core Update

This is the recovery that many site owners have been looking for after being negatively impacted by the last core update. As Google’s Search Liaison already informed, some of the changes rolled out in the June 2021 core update might get reversed in July 2021 core update because of the two-part nature of the core update.

If your website’s SERP position is negatively hit starting from today, it does not mean that your website has violated any guidelines provided by Google, but instead, the way Google sees your website has changed from earlier.

Similar to the other core updates, Google has not provided any specific set of recovery measures, but if you’re looking to improve the performance of your website overall, including the core updates, then you should check their guidelines too.

Note: The July 2021 core update rollout is completed on July 12, 2021.

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